eFabless Google Shuttle Sponsored Chip - Traffic Light Controler
Designed standard cells in 0.5u technology which met lambda design rules and passed DRC, LVS, and extraction tests using
Cadence Virtuoso, Layout GXL, and Analog Place and Route, as well as synthesized a MIPS 8-bit microprocessor using Genus
Synthesis Solution and Innovus Implementation System.
MIPS 8-bit Mircoprocessor
Designed and implemented a smart watering system for lawn gardens to improve water conservation. Using off-the-shelf parts, we demonstrated our Arduino sensors’ capabilities to read and transmit data to our web server to send to the mock
sprinkler system model to water the lawn zone in need.
Lawn Logic: A Smart Lawn Watering System
Designed and implemented a smart watering system for lawn gardens to improve water conservation. Using off-the-shelf
parts, we demonstrated our Arduino sensors' capabilities to read and transmit data to our web server to send to the mock
sprinkler system model to water the lawn zone in need.
Senior Comprehensive Project (Undergraduate Thesis): Automata Theory Fall 2022
This is a graduation requirement by Saint Mary's College, I was paired with Dr. Mary Porter as my supervisor on this project.
Reserach extensitve on the topic of automata theory, focusing on Finite State Machines.
Presented 2 short talks to classmates to gage their understanding and recieve feedback
Gave a 40 minute presentation on the topic and had open Q/A from the class professors.and 2 department professorsm, one of which was my advisor.
This pannel of three professors had also read the paper ahead of time and asked questions related to both the presentationa and the paper.
IoT Smart Home Project Summer 2020 - January 2021
Designed IoT enabled home taking into consideration building infrastructure and client desired access points to wired
Implemented server rack to manage all IoT within the homes
Utilized EERO wifi5 mesh system to sync with Google Nest Secure Hub managing 25+ devices and home security utilities.
Supervised and coordinated internet service provider and contractors to install network cabling.