Presented a poster on Generating Genomic Contigs with Migrating Threads in Python. An extension of Workflow 3 in the
FORZA project, an IARPA-funded look into improving large parallel workflows.
Competed as a presenter in the inaugural 3MT undergraduates competition to present my work to a diverse group of academics in under 3 minutes.
Saint Mary's College Syposium for Reserach & Creative Scholarship - Panel 4D: Natural & Unnatural Solutions
Presented on Automata Theory: A Look into Finite-state Machines, an abridged version of my Senior Comprehensive Project.
Saint Mary's College STEM Fall Poster Day 2022
Presented on my Summer Research experience with the Computational Mechanics of Morphology at Notre Dame. Focusing on the
project’s software development and how the open-source software reduced the time to segment brain tissue in
half. Showcased the advancements made to the CerebrozooPy software development.
Saint Mary's College STEM Fall Poster Day 2021
Presented on opportunities for STEM majors through the TechPoint Experience to work in the Indiana tech sector and discussed key policy shifts in Indiana’s view of tech that will shape its 10-year job and economic growth vision.
Saint Mary's College STEM Fall Poster Day 2021
Presented on my summer experience working at the Saint Mary’s Helpdesk. Highlighting upcoming remote connection software allowing IT to help remotely, decreasing problem resolution
turnaround time
by 15%